FrequenSEAS of Service
Experience the WAVES of perfect regenerative energies for your re-awakening heart
Set sail with Megan Star Homan, the Whales & the Company of Heaven
Where there's a Whale, there's a Way!
Allow the Divine FrequenSEAS to assist you in aligning and resonating your Radiant Source Self and living the life of your dreams, Heaven on Earth, now. It is the way!
If you have received gifts and blessings from our time together and would like to make a donation of Heart; It is greatly appreciated and honored. Know that you're my Angel and Family of Light, Thank you!
Megan Homan

Our Book!

The High Heart FrequenSEAS!
A Spiritual Journey of Awakening with our Cetacean Light Family
My book is finished!
Set sail with me exploring Whale Wisdom. Meditations, and FrequenSEAS that support the Full Optimization of our Being through daily creative expressions and intuitive interpretations of the Songs of the Whales and the Voices of our Souls.
Up flow and up glow with US!
All the love. All the blessings. All the JOY.
Megan & our Cetacean Family

The Whale Medicine Wheel

The Cetaceans and I brought the Whale Medicine Wheel to Cari Murphy's Straight Talk for the Soul last week. If you missed it and would like a private journey to the Whale Medicine Wheel book your virtual session. The Whale Medicine Wheel sessions are 90 minutes and truly transfiguring.
"AMAZING show with Megan Homan! -Experience a Powerful Quantum Event & Divine Activity of LIGHT with the Dolphins and Whales!!
This is a Cosmic Invitation to FEEL Harmony in a UNITY COMMUNITY! Play with us in the quantum field! Hear the celebratory sounds of the dolphins and the melodies from the whales as we ride the shimmering golden waves of unity together!
BE reminded by the Cetaceans (Dolphins and Whales) that -
Experience a magnificent, miraculous journey into the Whale Medicine Wheel where you will receive the perfect energetics for you. This whale medicine wheel is a quantum journey into an accelerated chamber of light full of divine frequencies, sacred geometries, and whale wisdom. There are specifically eight species of Whales (Gray, Orca, Blue, Humpback, Bowhead, Sperm, Narwhal, and Beluga) that worked with us, bringing specific medicines depending on where you etherically sit in the 8 pointed star wheel of infinity, and additionally in the journey we are overlighted by a huge host of Cetaceans, Ascended Masters, and Angels as well, and Mother Gaia. The Whale Medicine Wheel will give you medicines from the Whales you can use to gain insight, receive a healing or unique medicine for your life, and/or navigate with more love, wisdom, and joy through your experiences. Determine which of the 8 rays you resonate with most during the journey and learn about the specific quantum medicine/elixirs and messages from that particular whale! Truly an incredible experience!" -Straight Talk for the Soul

Cetacean Energetic Sessions

After responding to an excitement to go swim with humpback whales and transmuting my fears of the ocean, my life shifted and altered in the most exciting ways, and I became an honorary member of the Cetacean Nation. The Cetaceans remind me that we are one family, one ocean, one planet, one heart, and always connected. I was invited to be their ambassador and explorer of their consciousness. I facilitate the sharing of their gifts and their unique frequencies with the world. We began to teach and learn with each other, and have created CETACEAN ENERGETICS, a Quantum Health Modality that is powerfully transformative. This modality helps people to create Health, Wellbeing, Awakening, and to live IN LOVE with life. We explore together the multidimensional worlds of our hearts, learn to evolve our challenges, transform ourselves and world with elevated frequencies, living our highest potentials and joy. Spirit cetacean pods work with me offering channeled messages, guided meditations, and energetic transmissions. To learn more and experience the love the Cetaceans have for you with a private session, visit CETACEAN ENERGETICS tab on this site.
I am author of the forthcoming book: THE HIGH HEART FREQUENSEAS: A Spiritual Journey of Awakening with our Cetacean Light Family.
On another forthcoming book, The Whale Medicine Wheel, Gray Whale leads opens our first chapter with The Frequencies of Forgiveness. This chapter segment is available for purchase under the One Heart tab of this website:https://www.cosmicheartwhisperer.com/one-heart-intuitive-whale-wisdom.
I look forward to having more chapters available from this Cetacean guided book soon.
I am a Transceiver of Whale and Dolphin Frequencies of Light and Love for the Health, Awakening, and the full living of being in love with life.
YouTube Channel:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvKDwgB3VEkIecHtX81MOXg or use the YouTube link on my home page.
Also JOIN our group page on FB: Cetacean Retreat Community Pod
Quantum Blessings, Love & JOY to YOU!

Tucson Lemurian Sisterhood

Hello Goddesses, Sha-Woman, Teachers, Priestesses, Healers, Mothers, SiSTARS, and so much more! My name is Megan Homan, and I have also been given a Lemurian name of Ne'a Mala'sha.
I am one of the hosts of the Lemurian SiSTARhood of Tucson, AZ. It was a delightful surprise calling that I received from the Star Mothers to facilitate these Sacred Circles here in Tucson with my Goddess SiSTARS, Justina Fenton & Lisa Berkana Gervais. I can feel so strongly the blessings of this SiSTARhood flow through me, and I am honored and grateful to be a vessel of the Divine Feminine in this way.
My essence is to inspire, uplift, to shine, and to empower. I feel I am a visionary manifester, shapeshifter, and a catalyst of change and transfiguring transformation. I enjoy feeling into the Nature of Mother Gaia and into the expansion energy of life, and will bring these energies and more to our Sacred Circles.
I am a Divine Oracle for the Whales & Dolphins, a Voice for the Living Lemuria, the Star Mothers, the Divine Feminine, and my own Sacred Soul. I facilitate Cetacean Energetic sessions that bring the Whales and Dolphins across the Sea and into our Hearts for profound transfigurings. My passion is exploring my limitless potentials, and this siSTARhood is a dream come true for it feels like a sacred circle where my soul feels at home to thrive. I hope your Soul will feel that way too in our Sacred Circles.
We are vessels of creation energy, and I am looking forward to connecting, growing, and creating this global and local siSTARhood where we honor and support each other, awaken our true nature, explore our Lemurian SiSTARhood teachings and Akash, and arise in a community of unity that is like the Cetaceans have said to me, "too blessed to be stressed."
I am, and you are, Divine!
The Goddess is me bows and honors the Goddess in you. We are One.
Peace and infinite blessing bestowed,