FrequenSEAS of Service
Experience the WAVES of perfect regenerative energies for your re-awakening heart
Set sail with Megan Star Homan, the Whales & the Company of Heaven

Book Your Session Today!
Call, Text, or Email me for an appointment: Megan Homan (520)269.5499 or meganstarhoman@gmail.com

Heaven on Earth: Luminous Massage & Bodywork Sessions
"Megan is AMAZING! She really listens and works out whatever problem area you have. Love Her!" -J. Tucson, Az
Luminous Massage & Bodyworks:
90 Minute alchemy session created for your Whole Body. A perfect combination of Massage, Energy Awakening, Sacred Sound, and Guided Meditation to Heal, Rejuvinate, and Inspire all your Cells...
I also offer specific bodywork sessions for injuries or chronic pain, relaxation or deep tissue massage therapy, hot and cool stone massage, and energy sessions. All my pricing is suggested donation only. Please never let a financial situation deter you from receiving a massage from me. Also, If you are a Tucsonian, I offer $10 off a session for first time clients.
"I made the long trip home (two stops and 12.5 hours!) in good shape and in far less discomfort due to the wonderful care you provided. I loved the full experience of calming music, wonderful scents and soothing touch. I left your office feeling like I was floating on a cloud. Everyone should have that experience! I’m so glad I had the opportunity."
---M.K., New York
The Weaver of the Golden Thread
Everything is a Gift, and she Weaves her Magic into Everything.
Her Web is Divine, full with Nature Sublime, and Infinite in Design.
At the Nexus, this Cosmic Heart beats, transmitting Light intricacies complete. Golden, Alchemy of Light and Love Manifest.
Honor and Welcome every Nuance in your life as if it is a Strand of this Golden Thread that can Weave the most Beautiful Magic to the Whole of your Creation.
The Divine channeled by Megan Homan

Cetacean FrequenSEA Session ......
My eclectic and beautiful spirit pod of Great Whales and Dolphins offer these energy sessions over the phone or in person. They enter your energetic field and act as inspirational guides of frequency to support the transformation of any aspect in your life. During these sessions I assist them by holding the sacred space for the Cetaceans to connect and inform your field with High FrequenSEA. I see them travel through your field and intuitively share their wisdom, insights, and a personal message from them to you.
I've been waiting for the words to tell you how much the
session meant to Stanley and me. It was everything-- and more!
Your gentle and cosmic-grounded presence flows through your
words and is very powerful. I'm so glad that my Being could take
in such a great offering from the Cetations.
My heart was able to open to such an extent, in the following
days, that I physically felt my heart expanding. I've never made
that direct correlation before.
I was touched by your energetic preparation for our time together!!
Touched, and I loved it. And I loved that Gaia presented herself
for you, just as she did during the swimming with the dolphins.
There is so much more that continues to present itself as experiences
continue with the Cetation energy. It continues.. it's alive within
me now.
And the "frosting on the cake" is the JOY activation with the living
pyramid through the 10th Chakra. I do it all day!! Its the JOY that
I knew was part of my being-- but that I was not connecting with.
-R. S., New Mexico
You are a skilled facilitator of the Cetacean Energies. Your expansive heart will guide many to the Light. You will help many discover their Inner Gifts. Together we will Awaken the Hearts of many to the FrequenSEAS of Full Spectrum expression, JOY, and the Freedom of Unconditionality in Love and Life. -Sirian Cetacean Elders
(Part of a channeled message I received, see full blessing in my Blog Post section.)
If you have received gifts and blessings from our time together and would like to make a donation of Heart; It is greatly appreciated and honored. Know that you're my Angel and Family of Light, Thank you!

I've been a client/friend of Megan for around 7 to 8 years. Prior to that I would schedule a massage with whomever was available. After my first session with Megan that all changed. I've stayed with her since. I had never experienced anything like it. By the touch of her hand she can read your body and assist you in releasing aches, pains, and any negative energy. She truly has a very special gift in the healing arts. I suffer from moderate to severe tension headaches, after a session with Megan, I'm so relaxed and pain free, it's incredible. I strongly recommend and encourage anyone needing this type of healing to contact her and experience this truly amazing lady.
Jim, Tucson, Arizona